Monday, 8 June 2015

Booze nation


So apparently the Irish are the booziest nation in the world according to some new study. We have an inherently unhealthy attitude to drinking and no mistake. Sunny outside? Let's have a drink! Raining? Wine? Snowing? Woo hoo! A nice hot whiskey. Sad? Drink. Happy? Drink. Confused? Drink. Have to go to the toilet? Sure you might as well have a drink while you're at it...I was talking to a neighbour of mine tonight and he was saying that he's off the booze for awhile, which means he won't be meeting any girls from this dating site he's on. 'Don't want to be seen as a boring bastard' Thing is, I know what he means. In Ireland if you don't drink you're seen as either an alcoholic or a weird religious type. Or indeed, a boring bastard.

Make of that what you will. I think the tide is turning a little bit but it has a long way to go. We really do associate literally everything we do with booze. Will I did anyway!

Actually, sometimes I think that maybe it's just me and other problem drinkers that do this. Maybe some people don't actually see a kids birthday party or a trip to town during the day at the weekend as an opportunity to get drunk...

In other pressing news - am still nearly sick with tiredness at the end of some days. Really, what's the point if I feel so crappy alot of the time. Sigh.

Sorry if this post is a bit crappy, have lovely husband and son sick in bed beside me and daughter looking for a bed buddy also so am a bit distracted writing this!

Will return tomorrow dear hearts.

Thank you all again for your lovely, and very, very wise comments.



  1. I'm in Australia and we a very boozie nation too. It can be frustrating!
    I can relate to the tiredness. I just hope that it's a stage and that we will come through on the other side feeling fantastic! Yesterday afternoon I felt really sleep which is not like me at all!! And getting out of bed in the morning is hard sometimes. But I keep telling myself that it's better than having a hangover and that it will get better.
    Hang in there! A x

    1. God I don't know Angie, I think I'd take a hangover over this!!

  2. I'm in a small mining town in northern canada. Booze and drugs are everywhere.
    I used to think everyone was always drunk. It appears I was wrong. Lots are, but many are not.

    The tiredness will go. That's continued withdrawal. Drinking again won't help....
    Stick with us sober people. There's an amazing life to be lived!

    1. I've no intention on going 'back there'! But I do understand that if this is the way people feel when they give up that they get straight back off the wagon!

  3. I know the iris are big drinkers but to be honest if there's a problem then there's a problem no matter where you are, the above comments prove that!! I totally get the drink for any reason mentality happy, rainy, sunny ... kids birthday parties were also a great excuse so you're not alone!! as for the tiredness it seems to if hit me now ... i fell asleep before my eldest last night i never do that!!

    1. Too true lady, can't be using our nationality define us!

  4. its so ingrained in us from a young age in this bloody country, survey no surprise!. but i think things are slowly changing for the better and some of us new generation parents are trying now to not normalise drinking so much to our kids thru education talking about it etc. it will take a long time thou!! Re the tiredness and i know its an obvious one, but really try drinking a couple of litres of water a day. Consistently. Really should help and a good multi vit. You really shouldn't be that exhaused, don;t think its alcohol withdrawal related you said yourself you were a sporadic drinker mostly like me. Just a thought. X

    1. Deffo think people are becoming more aware of drink in Ireland and how it effects kids around them.

  5. Lol I know exactly what you mean - I'm in Scotland and it's the same here :-) x

  6. Have a quick read about PAWS. alcohol withdrawal can have physical say,ptoms for a long time.
    It is worth understanding that this could, in fact, impact you. I know I felt it did.

    1. Thanks a mill Anne. I did look up but couldn't really find anything about just drinking 3/4 bottles of wine a week at the weekends. Not sure if it would effect me then as Kats says. Boo.

  7. Sooooo tired too. Yip bonny Scotland defo full of drinkers. Starts at high school. No idea where it stops. Have had a lot of strange reactions to stopping drinking. Including crying!!!!!

  8. crying is good! I love crying. I don't do enough of it!

  9. I meant from other people I've told I'm trying to stop! People taking it personally x
