Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Something missing..

Hello all

I know alot of your thoughts are with Mummy was a secret drinker right now. I hope you're ok my dear and you are coping so well with this big shock to your system...We're all thinking of you. xx

Things are going well here. I'm getting to a place now where I don't associate every little thing that happens with opening a bottle of wine. I do miss it sometimes though. Or rather, the idea of it. Then when I spend two seconds just thinking about how alcohol made me feel, even after one glass I forget about it. This weekend though I did feel like something was missing. I'm not sure if it was wine but there was a definite hollow vibe about the weekend, as lovely as it was.

Anyway, if that's the worst I can feel I can keep going!!

Just a short post as am surrounded my children and animals, all making noise...

Keep on keepin on people...



  1. You keep on keepin', too. I'm feeling a little hollow too these days, maybe that's just us making room for something to come fill us up.

  2. I find fall a bit like that. But life has ebb and flow. So it will revive!

  3. Yes, I know that hollow feeling too. Definitely, for me it's the idea of wine, and the anticipation of having it. I have to keep reminding myself that after the first glass or so it's rubbish, and that I'm making a positive choice as opposed to denying myself something...You're doing great :) X

  4. Me Three!
    It's fall, partly.
    You know, we might always feel a little missing something, but it will be a whisper, and we know it will be a lie.
    Hugs and so glad you are surrounded by love!!

  5. I'm glad I read this. I guess we are all feeling the "I need sunshine and summer" blues. How do we fill that void in? I think I'll Kary May's tip...wait for something to fill it up..... Freedom, Peace, Happiness, Love...

  6. Hollowness is aways with me. I am just trying to ignore it. It is hard but it is doable. However sometimes I wish I could fill it up with something more meaningful than wine.

  7. nothing is missing. Good on you for being so strong.

    1. yeah tipsy i didn't quite get there. A blip or two. I will though

  8. Weird. I feel the same. After a period of "intense doing", I am looking around thinking that something is missing.......I just know that it's not wine. xx

  9. Oh yes I get it too. At times like that I just get my head down and get on with it. Staying sober isn't so hard any more but there are gaps to be filled. Sometimes I just can't be bothered having to think up things to fill them. Sometimes I'd like to be a child again and have no responsibilities and have someone look after me.
